Friday, June 8, 2012

The Titled Untitled Post

Hi there nonexistent reader. Unfortunately I haven't been posting at all, so it's quite obvious why I don't have any readers yet. Haha, but I`m not complaining. I blog cause I hate having to keep my thoughts to myself. I guess I`m quite secretive (Scorpio ftw) but it's nice to express my feelings sometimes. Especially when I`m ranting haha. People always take my jokes too seriously and my erm replies too erm to heart. That didn't make sense. Okay, here's an example:

Me: I don't get why I should wait an hour in the sun if I have no reason.
My Ride (who is the one who forces me to wait in the sun and die and die and doesn't care): Why don't you walk home?
Me: I wish.
My Ride: Excuuuseee me bhusdfkghusdghjsfd
Me: Geez dfhsdjhkhfjkfbfd

Yeah not a very good example, but not a horrible one either haha. Anyways, I guess now I've started this post I might as well start on an interesting topic...

Tomorrow I`m going to Chinatown, so hopefully, I'll be able to take some snapshots with horrible ninja camera taking skills if unfortunately I forget my camera or overthink it and leave my camera at home, there will obviously be no pictures, or pictures from my phone. And my phone's camera stinks and cannot connect to my computer. I wish I had an iPhone or the Galaxy or something. I think I deserve it more than some people LOL <---- oh and that can be an example for what I meant by people take my jokes to seriously. Sigh.

I`ll probably buy some end of the school year gifts for my friends. And the stuff with be cute.

Yes. Yes it will.

But quite cheap.


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